Tuesday, October 08, 2013


So taking a walk with Ninna is always a pleasure especially because I get to interact with complete strangers thanks to her. Kids are fascinated by her smushy face and after a bit of hesitation they love petting her. She's a very docile little dog and soaks up all the attention. I met two women today as I was walking Ninna in the evening. One of them had two dogs including a German Shepherd. Both the dogs were only puppies but larger than Ninna in size. Ninna ofcourse has no idea that she is a little dog. She would get on her hind legs and happily play with any dog size notwithstanding. The other woman also had a German Shepherd, a beautiful dog called Arya. I think the owner might be a big fan of the Game of thrones series. I love that series. Anshuman has read all the five books too and almost spoilt the ending of the 'Red wedding' episode. Those of you who are avid followers of the series will know what I'm talking about.

I'm writing this post on my phone. This is only the second post that I've written on my phone. I must admit it's pretty cool! And with that I bid you Goodnight!

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