Thursday, March 20, 2014

Art Dubai Opening Night

So I had an invite for two to go to the Art Dubai opening night and Ankita and I decided to make an evening of it. We spent some time having a leisurely cup of chai at her place in the company of Pushpita, Sohana and Ahana. The two little munchkins are wearing identical dresses that I picked up for them from Global Village. We did a little selfie shoot and laughed all the way through it. They make me so happy.

I'd been in hibernation mode for the last few days but the laughter, antics and chatter of the two angels was perfect to get me right out of it. When we were going down to the car Sohana saw a Filipina woman sitting alone in the lobby. She ran straight up to her and asked," Are you lost?" The woman was clearly surprised and didn't know what to say. I apologised to her and dragged Sohana by the hand telling her,"She's not lost, she's just waiting for someone." Sohana smiled up at me as though she understood and then ran away in the next instant having forgotten all about it. Bless the short memory of children.

After a bit of confusion at the welcome desk at the venue we began browsing. Ankita found a painting with all her favourite colours and here's the picture. She looks so pretty in this one. The bold colours are an assault on the senses. The best kind of assault possible. I loved this artist's work. So simple and beautiful and therapeutic.

And here's another one from the same artist. This one had all the soothing and uplifting colours that I absolutely loved. I would love to own this one but I'm quite certain it is beyond the capacity of my purse so Ankita took a picture of me with it. Such a peaceful image. Love it.

'Forever these words will live unsteadily' This one spoke to my heart. Yes.

There were a lot of mirrors around and each one so unique. this one has dragonflies which seem to be climbing up on you when you look in the morror. The effect is really quite amazing.

This huge piece completely took my breath away. This is one third of the whole painting. The artist's imagination is indescribable. Monkeys spilling out of a hatchback, a couple kissing completely oblivious to the world, a man in a turban with his camel, a little boy kissing a little girl. It's a bizarre and beautiful painting. And it costs 70,000 USD. Phew! I wonder which lucky, rich bastard is going to own it. Whoever it is I hope he/she loves it as much as I did.

Ankita took this picture through an elephant. Yes there was a metal elephant and it had this tunnel through his heart. Love this one!

The exhibition had a lot of mirrors as I said before and we took pictures in almost all of them. Looks like a lot of post its with curled corners. It reminded me of a course we did at NID called Space, Form and Structure.

And another selfie in a mirror. My husband said,"This is your best selfie. There's no self in it." It gives you the feeling of how our identity is most of the time held together by wires with scars of experience.

And there I am in another artist's creation becoming a part of his vision. I look so far away from myself. I actually felt so far away when I took this picture. Smoke and mirrors. Smoke and mirrors.

And to end this post here's Ahana, Sohana and I so very very very happy!


Anonymous said...

Children become you

Parul Gahlot said...

Thank you... I love children.