Thursday, January 02, 2014

Keeping resolutions

New Year's Day was really such a happy one for me. I just woke up feeling somehow free and buoyant. Anshuman and I had a lovely relaxed lunch with Rajul, Sameera and Aayan at Aappa Kadhai and then went to Jones the Grocer for coffee and dessert. Anshuman's coffee came in this fancy contraption and had an exotic name which I've forgotten.

I had my usual cremebrulee and I loved breaking the sugar crust like always. The mocha was fabulous and the weather was perfect.

It was so good to spend the first day of the year with family. It's a bit hard to get the attention of the staff at Jones and that's Sameera waving to someone. Aayan is so cute and very proud of the fact that he's got all his teeth.

I'm grateful for a lovely day and I hope all days to come will be just as wonderful. Most of all it's the second day of the new year and here I am writing. I'm happy. Touchwood!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am looking rather like a (wo)man with a mission...missed you clicking this one Parul. Was a truly lovely day.